Lamoille County Player presents the show at the Hyde Park Opera House starting on May 6th.
To prove the proverb is true, Buy one ticket for Friday, May 6th or Saturday May 7th to see "You Can't Take It With You" and get one FREE when you use the promo code FRIENDS. You may reserve tickets online, by phone, or buy the tickets at the box office the evening of the show, but remember to use the promo code: FRIENDS to get the second ticket FREE!
The Friends of the Lanpher Memorial Library will receive 50% of the proceeds of all the tickets sold using the promo code: FRIENDS for those two shows!
I have it on very good authority that the slightly batty family that the story of "You Can't Take It With You" centers around, is played to comedic perfection by this all star local cast! The costumes are fantastic, the sets are a wonder, and if you've never been to a show at the Hyde Park Opera House before, this is a perfect opportunity! If you have been, then you know that they know how to put on a show!
Visit their website lcplayers.com to reserve your tickets for any of the shows May 6-8 and 13-15...remembering the buy one get one free offer for May 6th and 7th (when you use the promo code: FRIENDS)!!!