Link to the Recording of the Virtual Visit with Bill McKibben
"Back to the Wall, Face to the Sun: Where We Stand in the Climate Fight"
Passcode: ^Lb0&@3P
Town of Hyde Park
From the tree-lined historic Village to the majestic mountaintop views of nearby Mount Mansfield and Smugglers Notch, there is a special feeling in Hyde Park.
Click on the image to link to the Town of Hyde Park's website:
Click on the image to link to the Town of Hyde Park's website:
Village of Hyde Park
The Village of Hyde Park is a New England chartered Village, incorporated in 1895. The Village offers two historic inns, a vibrant performing arts center, good food, craft beer and year-round recreation.
Click on the image to link to the Village of Hyde Park's website:
Click on the image to link to the Village of Hyde Park's website:
Vermont Library Association
The Vermont Library Association (VLA) is an educational organization working to develop, promote, and improve library and information services and librarianship in the state of Vermont.
Vermont Department of Libraries (Click on the image to link to VT DOL website)
Welcome to the Vermont Department of Libraries web site. The Department is part of the Agency of Administration and provides a variety of library and information services to state government, libraries statewide, the general public, and Vermonters with special needs.
Lamoille Neighbors
Lamoille Neighbors is part of the Village-to-Village movement, an innovative nation-wide organization that has emerged in the last decade in the organizational field of support services for community-dwelling older adults.
Click on the image, or go to:
Click on the image, or go to:
Lamoille County Players
The historic Hyde Park Opera House is just down Main Street from the Lanpher Library and is home to the Lamoille County Players. Click on the image for more information, and to purchase tickets to their shows, or visit:
Friends of Green River Reservoir
The Friends of Green River Reservoir is a non-profit membership group dedicated to educating and acting to protect the wilderness-like character and wildlife habitat of Green River Reservoir State Park while preserving its heritage and historical uses for future generations.
Click on the image to the left, or go to:
Click on the image to the left, or go to:
Lamoille Community House
Lamoille Community House is a warming shelter serving people experiencing homelessness in the Lamoille Valley. Our shelter offers beds, hot showers, hot meals, laundry and access to social services based on need. Our hours are November-April:
4:30pm-7:00am M-F 4:30pm-8:30am Sat-Sun
Click on the image, or go to:
4:30pm-7:00am M-F 4:30pm-8:30am Sat-Sun
Click on the image, or go to:
Lamoille County Libraries: Click on the image to link to the websites of our neighboring libraries.
Join Front Porch Forum! Click on the image to link to Front Porch Forum
Join your Hyde Park Neighbors at
You'll get a daily e-newsletter. Hear from your neighbors and post messages yourself. Each town has its own forum. No fees. No spam. Local. Won't overflow your inbox. Online conversations help neighbors connect and build community!
You'll get a daily e-newsletter. Hear from your neighbors and post messages yourself. Each town has its own forum. No fees. No spam. Local. Won't overflow your inbox. Online conversations help neighbors connect and build community!
Click on the images to link to their websites.
Lamoille Valley Building Bright Futures seeks to assure that all Vermont children are healthy and successful by improving the quality, affordability and accessibility of services for families with children under the age of six in the areas of health, early care and education.
Live, Work, Play, Discover...
The Lanpher Memorial Library is proud to be members of the Lamoille Region Chamber of Commerce. Check out more about our area: The Mission of Outright Vermont is to build safe, healthy, and supportive environments for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth ages 13-22. Pride Center of Vermont (PCVT) is New England’s most comprehensive community center dedicated to advancing community and the health and safety of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Vermonters. |
Lanpher Memorial Library P.O. Box 196/141 Main St., Hyde Park, VT 05655
802-888-4628 [email protected]
802-888-4628 [email protected]