Originally we said we'd order the top 3 vote getters, but in a tie, we can't resist getting both! Coming soon....
The results from our Scented Book Mark votes are in! The big winner was Lavender, with 41 votes. In second place, Gummy Worms with 30 votes! We have a tie for third: Chocolate Chip and Root Beer each got 10 votes. Originally we said we'd order the top 3 vote getters, but in a tie, we can't resist getting both! Coming soon....
We heard from some of you, that you would have loved to come to our program with VT Holocaust Memorial speakers, but for one reason or another, weren't able to make it.
Thankfully, our friends at Green Mountain Public Access were able to come to the program and film it. Please enjoy this informative, inspirational and moving program. If you would like to decorate a leaf for the VTHM Leaf Project, please stop by the Library where we have materials and information ready for you. We're collecting them too, so if you decorate a leaf at home, please feel welcome to drop it off here and we'll deliver them to VTHM. To learn more about the Vermont Holocaust Memorial, please visit their website: www.holocaustmemorial-vt.org/ Please click the button below to enjoy the program! ![]() Hyde Park Village is a special, popular and fun place for Trick or Treating on Halloween. Village residents often see over 300 Trick or Treaters! If you would like to donate a bag of candy to be distributed to Village residents to give out to Trick or Treaters on Halloween, please drop off your donations at the Lanpher Memorial Library by Wednesday, October 24th. If you are a Village resident and would like to have a few bags of candy to help supplement what you need to buy, please call the Lanpher Memorial Library 888-4628 to be put on a list and then you can pick up your candy on Friday, October 26th in plenty of time for Halloween on Wednesday, October 31st. THANK YOU! The Lanpher Memorial Library will be open for Trick or Treating on Halloween from 5:00-7:00 p.m. ![]() On Saturday, October 6th, 9:00-12:00 The Friends of the Lanpher Memorial Library invite you to join them: Ron Stancliff will share his intimate knowledge of Morristown Forest and the lost town of Sterling. Starting with a short presentation at the library, he will then take us to the Forest for a discovery walk through the woods. Once homes and barns are now cellar holes in the past town of Sterling. Ron will identify the old homesteads and point out various flora and fauna. Learn more about the Friends of the Lanpher Memorial Library by visiting their website, or follow them on Facebook http://landing.friendsoflanphermemorial.com/ https://www.facebook.com/friendsoflanphermemoriallibrary/ |
Important Updates from the Town of Hyde Park