*We have lots and lots of current titles in both fiction and non-fiction! Best sellers, prize winners, favorite authors and new authors....contemporary issues, gardening, outdoors, history.....
*We have many titles in LARGE PRINT! We are so lucky to receive funding from the Copley Trust to, among other things, expand our Large Print Collection. Don't stop reading when the print gets small! Or if the print is too small regardless, ask us how to set you up with the Talking Books program through the Vermont Department of Libraries!
*We have a huge DVD collection! You can borrow DVDs for 1 week. We have some new titles, Oscar winners, family movies, cartoons, documentaries, how-to, old favorites, Nova, Nature....etc. etc.
*We belong to a downloadable audio book and e-book service. You don't have to stop using the library when you get a Kindle, Nook, or other e-reader! Go to listenupvermont.org, or head over to our Links page on this website to learn more. No, you won't always be able to check out the book you want when you want it...just like with a regular library book, you have to check it out, or join a waiting list....but you do get the books for free!
*Please stop by the Lanpher Library to learn more!