We would like to encourage our patrons to consider searching our catalog online and place holds on items (books, audios, DVDs) that you want to check out. (Tutorial below) Give us a call when you're ready to come pick up your materials, and we'll meet you at the door with your check outs!
If you prefer not to use the online catalog to search and place holds, give us a call! 802-888-4628. We'll help you select items of interest and get them ready for you to pick up.
Additionally, our Friends of the Library group has offered a delivery to senior citizens in Hyde Park who might not be able to get out to check out their items. We will make those arrangements here at the library, so if you are interested in delivery, please call us: 888-4628
If you are interested in these services, but don't have a Library Card with us, please call us 888-4628 and we can set up your library card by phone!
We would also like to assure you that we are setting up a system to disinfect all of our returned materials, which includes cleaning the outside of the material and not placing the item back into circulation for 24 hours.
Our patrons can return their items in the slot outside the door on Church Street. If you need more time, you can renew online, or give us a call.
With the Hyde Park Partners in Education and the Friends of the LML, we've started a "Giving Tree" under the oak tree in front of the Library. Understanding how difficult it might be for some people to get what they need...you can: "Take If You Need and Give If You Can"
Please remember to wash your hands, don't touch your face, keep 6 feet of social distance, and get your information from reliable sources (like the links on the right of the home page on our website).
And of course, PLEASE be kind to each other. It is difficult for us to feel that we are not able to be at full capacity for our community, but my professional motto of being Director of the Lanpher Memorial Library in Hyde Park, VT is to adapt our services to meet the needs of our community. Right now we need to do this.
With Care and a Hurting Heart,
Amy Olsen
How to search and place a hold on our online catalog:
Click here to go to: lanpherlibrary.kohavt.org/
On the right side of the page it says: Log in to your account
Login: is your library card number 2VSRC____________
Password was set up as your first and last name with no spaces.
If you forgot your library card number, or if your password isn't working, please contact us and we will give you your number, or reset your password.
Begin searching the catalog. You can search by author, title, keyword, subject.
If you're interested in Romance, Mystery, etc. search it as a subject item.
If you can't find what you're looking for, call us: 888-4628 We can help!
Once you find the item you're interested in reserving and have clicked on it, look on the right side of the page under "Browse Results". You will see the words "Place hold" in blue letters. Click on it.
You can send us a note with your hold (if you don't plan to come to the Library for a few days to pick up your hold, you can let us know here), or you can just click "Confirm Hold".
Once you are finished placing all items on hold that you want to check out and are ready to pick up your items, give us a call to let us know you're on your way and we will meet you at the door with your items in a bag ready to check out! (You might need to step inside, or knock on the door to let us know you're here!)