You can post about your yard sale, or the awesome clock repair person you've found, or let people know about upcoming community events.
It's not like Facebook, where you have to keep up with posts and respond individually, or puts up an immediate response. It's just a great, once/daily newsletter that you can read and enjoy.
The Lanpher Library posts "Hyde Park 100 Years Ago" just about each week, where we pull news and notes from the 1913 newspapers to remind us how much has changed...and how much has stayed the same!
You can go to our Links page (click on "Links" in the left column of this site) and you can click the link that will take you directly to Front Porch Forum to sign up. Please call us, or stop by the library if you want help getting signed up for Front Porch Forum.
It's fun, it's easy to keep up with and it's a great way to know what is going on in all areas of Hyde Park!