VELI-STEM stands for "Vermont Early Literacy Initiative - Sceince Technology Engineering Math". The Lanpher Memorial Library is proud to be one of 26 Vermont libraries participating in this exciting project to bring science inquiry and physical science programs to our youngest community members!
* Builds on children’s curiosity and interest
* Provides opportunities for children to engage in cognitively challenging and motivating learning experiences
* Builds a foundation for the development of important science concepts
* Provides opportunities for the development of important language, social, and physical skills
Children and families can expect to see more STEM concepts integrated into existing library programs, like story time and children's programs. Take look at the slide show on our Children's Corner page, to see how we applied the STEM concepts of Force and Motion!
In August 2015, the Department of Libraries received a National Leadership Grant for Libraries award of $339,861 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to expand the Vermont Early Literacy Initiative (VELI). The National Leadership grant program is highly competitive and is designed to fund innovative grant projects which can serve as a model for replication across the country. The three-year grant project, VELI-STEM, a partnership of the Department of Libraries and the Vermont Center for the Book, will expand the VELI program in 26 selected public libraries to introduce librarian training and programming for young children, parents, and childcare providers in science inquiry and physical science.
The grant includes funding for librarian training, books and other hands-on STEM materials for the 26 libraries, travel to state and national conferences for networking and presentations, project assessment, and training for state library personnel in 22 other states. The Montshire Museum of Science will provide consultation as the project is planned and developed. The grant program officially began in November 2015.